Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO)
1.Datuk Dr. Habibah Abdul Rahim, Director
2.Dr. Kamaleswaran Jayarajah, Research Evaluation and Assessment Specialist
3.Mr. Emiljohn Columna Sentillas, Policy and Planning Specialist

ASEAN University Network (AUN)
1.Choltis Dhirathiti, PhD, Executive Director
2.Mr. Korn Ratanagosoom, First Officer and Chief Strategy Officer
3.Ms. Ing-orn Jeerararuensak, Chief of AUN-QA and Senior Programme Officer

Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Regional Centre (SEAMEO RIHED
1.Asst. Prof. Dr. Romyen Kosaikanont, Centre Director (Thailand)
2. Mr. Philip Masterson, Senior Programme Officer (Canada)
3. Ms. Nutthamon Sitaprasertnand, Programme Officer (Thailand)
4. Ms. Monsiri Chintanavisit, Programme Officer (Thailand)
5. Ms. Christelle Agustin, Programme Officer (Philippines)
6. Ms. Su Myat Noe, Programme Officer (Myanmar)
7. Mr. Low Yee Teng, Programme Officer (Malaysia)
8. Ms. Thongpan Boonpanyachon, Programme
Officer (Thailand)
9. Ms. Thanthakorn Phuangsawat, Chief Administrative Officer
AUAP Delegation: Prof. Dr. Anoop Swarup, Secretary General, Ms. Supaporn Chuangchid, AUAP Executive Secretary, Mr. Krittiphattharaphong Punsuchart, Administrative Officer, Mr. Parinya Aumpean, Administrative Officer, and Mr. Jarupat Jaikla, Assistant Administrative Officer the representatives of SEAMEO RIHED, Bangkok, led by Asst. Prof. Dr. Romyen Kosaikanont, Centre Director, and team; Mr. Philip Masterson, Senior Programme Officer (Canada), Ms. Nutthamon Sitaprasertn and, Programme Officer (Thailand),Ms. Monsiri Chintanavisit, Programme Officer (Thailand), Ms. Christelle Agustin, Programme Officer (Philippines), Ms. Su Myat Noe, Programme Officer (Myanmar), Mr. Low Yee Teng, Programme Officer (Malaysia), Ms. Thongpan Boonpanyachon, Programme Officer (Thailand) and, Ms. Thanthakorn Phuangsawat, Chief Administrative Officer, at the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Regional Centre (SEAMEO RIHED) Office in Bangkok, Thailand, on July 14, 2023.
The purpose of the meeting with RIHED authorities was to propose to work jointly to foster the activities aiming at promotion of affiliated institutions, i.e. RIHED, SEAMEO and AUN plus AUAP.
At this meeting, Given the philosophy of establishment of RIHED, as mentioned in its website, i.e.:
Assist Member Countries in fostering the efficiency and effectiveness of higher education in their respective countries, with a focus on policy and planning processes, administrative and management systems through profession training and policy-oriented research;
Serve as the regional center and clearing-house for higher education information and documentation, promoting the exchange and dissemination of information and research findings on higher education planning and management, both within and outside the region;
Promote collaboration among Member Countries for establishing institutional linkages and to assist them in strengthening institution building and development.
The AUAP Secretary General expressed the AUAP desire to have the dynamic collaboration of RIHED in sharing in the activities related to higher education as the philosophy of establishment of both institutions were made upon them.
The RIHED officials in response welcomed the idea and referring to past collaboration, voiced their readiness to help with the fulfillment of the collective cooperation among the mentioned institutions.
In meeting with AUN authorities, the AUAP delegation referred to the objectives of AUN which mainly includes, enhancing regional cooperation and integration, facilitating academic exchange and mobility, promoting quality assurance in higher education, fostering research collaborations, supporting the capacity building, promoting student-centered initiatives and that overall the objectives of AUN revolve around fostering collaboration , mobility , quality assurance, research excellence , capacity building and holistic development within the ASEAN higher education community, and stated that most of these objectives are identical with what is pursued by AUAP in particular the significant network of universities. AUAP delegation further reiterated that it will be useful for both AUAP and AUN to utilize their facilities and produced synergy for the reinforcement of programs of higher education.
AUAP Delegation: Prof. Dr. Anoop Swarup, Secretary General, Ms. Supaporn Chuangchid, AUAP Executive Secretary, Mr. Krittiphattharaphong Punsuchart, Administrative Officer, Mr. Parinya Aumpean, Administrative Officer, and Mr. Jarupat Jaikla, Assistant Administrative Officer the representatives of Asia University Network (AUN), Bangkok, led by Dr. Choltis Dhirathiti, Executive Director, and team; Mr. Korn Ratanagosoom, First Officer and Chief Strategy Officer and Ms. Ing-orn Jeerararuensak, Chief of AUN-QA and Senior Programme Officer, at the AUN Office in Bangkok, Thailand, on July 14, 2023.
AUAP Delegation: Prof. Dr. Anoop Swarup, Secretary General, Ms. Supaporn Chuangchid, AUAP Executive Secretary, Mr. Krittiphattharaphong Punsuchart, Administrative Officer, Mr. Parinya Aumpean, Administrative Officer, and Mr. Jarupat Jaikla, Assistant Administrative Officer the representatives of Asia University Network (AUN), Bangkok, led by Datuk Dr. Habibah Abdul Rahim, Director, at the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Office in Bangkok, Thailand, on July 14, 2023.
The SEAMO officials also welcomed the idea and referring the past collaborative programs, expressed their supports to the ideas suggested by AUAP delegation. The main missions and objectives of SEAMO are in fact identical with what is also pursued by AUAP and both sides emphasized on the necessity of fostering the ties. The AUAP delegation mentioned the following objectives of SEAMEO as ideas supported by AUAP as well, i.e. As an organization that has continued to nurture human capacities and explored the peoples’ fullest potential, SEAMEO maintains its work and aspirations for development of the region to make lives better in quality and equity in education, preventive health education, culture and tradition, information and communication technology, languages, poverty alleviation and agriculture and natural resources. SEAMEO's mission is to enhance regional understanding, cooperation and unity of purpose among Member Countries for a better quality of life.