Visit to Neem Sheesham Mountain by Prof. Amarika Singh, Vice Chancellor of Vikrant University
On 29th December 2025, Prof. Amarika Singh, the Vice Chancellor of Vikrant University, visited the scenic Neem Sheesham Mountain. The visit was organized with the presence of the mountain's caretaker, Mr. Jayendra Rana, who provided comprehensive information about the site, including the various species of trees planted there.During the visit, Prof. Singh emphasized the potential for further development in the area. He suggested the establishment of stay-home facilities on the mountain, which could be used for educational and therapeutic purposes. His idea was to name it the "Neem Education and Naturopathy Center," a facility dedicated to treating individuals suffering from skin diseases using natural healing methods. Prof. Singh proposed that such a center would not only provide medical benefits but also promote wellness in a peaceful natural setting.Additionally, Prof. Singh pointed out that students from the Agriculture Department could use the site for research and practical work, contributing to the growth and development of the region. His suggestion included encouraging the students to actively participate in improving the infrastructure and preserving the natural habitat.Accompanying Prof. Singh on this visit were Prof. Veer Narayan Singh and Dr. Sachin Kumar Singh, who were both supportive of the ideas presented. Together, they discussed the various ways in which Neem Sheesham Mountain could be transformed into a hub for eco-tourism and sustainable development. The collaboration of educational institutions, local authorities, and environmentalists will be essential for turning these ideas into reality.The visit highlighted the importance of integrating nature with education, health, and research, and showcased how academic leaders like Prof. Amarika Singh are actively working towards innovative solutions that benefit both individuals and the environment.Hashtags: #VikrantUniversity #NeemSheeshamMountain #ProfAmarikaSingh #Naturopathy #StayHomeFacilities #SustainableDevelopment #EcoTourism #AgricultureResearch #SkinDiseaseTreatment #EducationalInitiatives #NaturopathyCenter #NatureHealing #ResearchOpportunities #WellnessJourney #EnvironmentalConservation #AcademicLeadership #HealthAndWellness #GreenDevelopment #NaturopathyInIndia